Oracy at Lowton Junior and Infant underpins everything we do.
It is the teaching of spoken language and verbal interaction. It's an important part of literacy development and social mobility.
Why is Oracy important?
- Oracy skills are essential for reading and writing
- Oracy helps children develop confidence and interact constructively
- Oracy helps children articulate their ideas and engage with others
- What are the goals of oracy in primary schools?
- Help children develop effective communication skills
- Help children express themselves confidently
- Help children interact constructively
- Help children listen and respond appropriately to others
- Help children ask relevant questions
- Help children articulate and justify answers, arguments, and opinions
How is Oracy taught and developed at Lowton Junior and Infant School?
- ·Model oracy: Teachers and children model the physical, emotional, and social aspects of effective spoken communication
- ·Create a safe environment: Teachers create an inclusive and safe environment for students to practice speaking and listening
- ·Use dialogic activities: Teachers use open discussion activities to emphasize the importance of spoken language
- ·Deepen vocabulary: Teachers help children deepen their vocabulary
- ·Practice public speaking: Teachers help students practice public speaking through our Philosophy lessons which take place each week.
We have developed our approach to Oracy using the Voice 21 resources.
Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW