Lowton Junior & Infant School

Year 1 Class blog

Friday 6th September

Welcome back to school everybody I hope you all had a lovely summer break. We have had a great first week in Year 1, it has been lovely getting to know the children and we are so proud of how they have settled into the new routines.

We have continued our daily Phonics sessions where the children have revisited previously taught sounds and tricky words. We have practised and applied knowledge to reading and writing.

This week in English we have been looking at the front cover of our new book Lost and Found and making predictions about what we think will happen. We have introduced and talked about the key vocabulary penguin, iceberg, suitcase, binoculars, torch and poster. We have thought about how these items may link to the story. We are looking forward to getting started with reading the story next week!

In Maths we have been sorting equipment into sets and have explored the different ways objects can be sorted eg. by colour, size or shape. The children have used a range of equipment and have made some excellent representations using counters and cubes.

Art has been great fun this week! We have learned about the artist Molly Haslund and how she creates circles and spirals in public spaces to encourage physical movement. I was blown away with how well the children could draw their own spirals on different scales, using different equipment. You may have seen their work on the playground on Thursday, this was such a fun lesson enjoyed by all of the children and teachers!


Here are a few things you may need to know about life in Y1…

· PE – Mondays and Tuesdays, please send your child to school in full PE kit.

· Spellings will be sent out next Friday. Children will get new spellings each week to be tested. Please can you practise these with the children.

· Thank you for your co-operation in sending healthy snacks to school. The children are enjoying showing me what they have brought each day!

· It has been lovely meeting you at drop off and pick up this week. If you ever have any questions, please do grab me at the end of the day or message me via dojo.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Winrow

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

