Lowton Junior & Infant School

The Year 5 class value is Be Aspirational

Friday 14th March

This week has been Assessment Week in Year 5, and pupils have worked very hard with all their assessments. Results and next steps will be fed back to you at Parents’ Evening.

In between assessments, pupils have proofread and edited their Greek myths, practicing their dictionary and thesaurus skills in the process. They have chosen sections of their work to copy as their final, improved piece, which have been added to their work to show the improvements.

Our History lesson this week looked at The Battle of Marathon. Pupils really enjoyed learning about how the 10,000 Athenian hoplites managed to defeat the huge 100,000 strong Persian army. They investigated the reasons for this, such as superior tactics and stronger armour. In Science, pupils looked at the reason we have four seasons and what the typical characteristics of those seasons are.

Please ensure your child continues to bring their reading diaries and books into school on a daily basis and that are reading regularly at home. Times tables and spellings homework continues to be set online.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Moat

Friday 7th March 2025

Another very busy week has taken place in Year 5. This is what pupils have been up to:

In Maths, we have moved on to adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, as well as adding fractions with different denominators. We have then taken this a step further by adding fractions with a total greater than one. As always, please continue to practice times tables at home with your child as this will make their fractions work so much easier.

In English, pupils have really enjoyed writing their own challenge for Odysseus to face on his journey home. They have been applying all the new vocabulary and sentence types we have learnt in this topic to their own writing. I have really enjoyed reading their stories!

In Science, we looked at why we have night and day and why the tilt of the Earth’s axis affects the amount of daylight we get. Our work on Athen’s dominance continued in History, with pupils deciding which factors were the most important and giving reasons why.

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day and all the different activities that took place. They designed book covers for their Greek myth they have been writing, watched a live online assembly, enjoyed some quiet reading time in class as well as making bookmarks.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary to school each day. Spelling homework continues to be set on Edshed and maths homework on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat

Friday 28th February 2025

After a week of rest over half term, Year 5 have come back to a very busy week in school!

In Maths, our fractions work has continued with ordering and comparing fractions greater than 1. Pupils are getting more confident with finding a common denominator and converting fractions so they can be ordered or compared. As always, please continue to practice times tables at home with your child as this will make their fractions work so much easier.

We have seen Odysseus finally make it home in The Odyssey and the continued difficulties he had to face when back. We have planned and started our extended write linked to this book where pupils have created their own mythical beast that Odysseus needs to defeat to continue his journey. I have been very impressed with their creations and the class have really enjoyed this classical myth.

Our topic of Ancient Greece continued with pupils learning about the reasons why Athens became so powerful in the 5th and 6th centuries BC. All of Thursday was dedicated to Ancient Greece when we had our workshop. Pupils learnt about some of the legacies the Ancient Greeks left and how they are still visible today. Pupils loved the art activities and created some amazing pieces of work. These will be put together to create a display in school so everyone can enjoy them!

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary to school each day. Spelling homework continues to be set on Edshed and maths homework on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat

Friday 7th February 2025

We have had another busy week in Year 5. Here is what pupils have been working on:

In Maths, we our fractions work has continued with converting mixed numbers into improper fractions. We then moved onto comparing fractions less than 1. This is a tricky concept when neither numerators or denominators are the same so we will continue this next week. As always, please continue to practice times tables at home with your child as this will make their fractions work so much easier.

We have continued tracking Odysseus’ journey home in The Odyssey and have seen him and his men blown back across the sea when they were all so close to home. We have focused on creating relative clauses and completed a ‘slow write’ where pupils are given a list of the sentence types they must include in their writing. This helps them to really focus carefully on sentence construction.

Our topic of Ancient Greece continued with pupils investigating images on Greek pottery to deduce what this can tell us about everyday life in ancient Greece. In Science, we looked at the names of the planets in our solar system and the order they are in from the Sun. In groups, pupils completed a ‘round robin’ activity collecting information about each planet that will be used later in the topic.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary to school each day. Spelling homework continues to be set on Edshed and maths homework on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat

Friday 31st January 2025

Last week, pupils continued following Odysseus’ journey in the children’s adaptation of The Odyssey. We have spent a large part of the week focusing on creating relative clauses based on the story so far. Relative clauses are quite a tricky sentence structure to get to grips with and pupils are doing very well with them.

In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions. We have looked at what an improper fraction is, how to represent them pictorially and how to convert them to a mixed number. Please continue to practice times tables at home with your child as this will make their fractions work so much easier.

In other subjects, we had the Year 5 Puberty Talk on Tuesday. There were some giggles, but pupils were very mature and asked some very thoughtful, considered questions. Our topic of Ancient Greece continued with pupils discovering the importance the the Agora (marketplace) to the ancient Athenians. In Science, we began the topic of Earth and Space with a look at evidence that proves the Earth is a spherical body. Pupils considered the different points and then decided which they thought was the strongest argument for it, giving reasons why.

Next week is Children’s Mental Health week and we will be completing one activity each day that focuses on this.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary into school each day. Spelling homework continues to be set on Edshed and maths homework on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat

Friday 24th January 2025

It has been another busy week of learning in Year 5! Here is what we have been up to:

Pupils are really enjoying finding out about Odysseus and his difficult journey home in The Odyssey. So far, they have discovered that Odysseus was a brave, fearsome warrior who angered the Greek Gods with his boasting. They have used interesting and ambitious vocabulary in expanded noun phrases to write a character description of him. Pupils have also written dialogue between Odysseus and his men as they encounter their first challenges.

In Maths, we have been finding equivalent fractions and learnt the difference between unit and non-unit fractions. Times tables knowledge is crucial with fractions so please ensure your child completes their homework on Times Tables Rockstars.

This week, pupils became detectives in History to investigate a range of artefacts from Ancient Greece. They made predictions about what the objects were, who would have owned them and then made deductions as to what these objects could tell us about life at the time. We also completed our final Science lesson of the current topic by looking at reversible and irreversible changes.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary into school each day.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat

Friday 17th January 2025

Well our first full week back in 2025 turned out to be a very busy one!

We started the week with some Art and pupils discovered what is involved in the monotype process and the effects it creates. They looked at some of the work of artist Kevork Mourad and made some ‘visual notes’ in their sketch books in response to the art work and techniques they looked at.

In History, we have started a new topic where we will complete an in-depth study of the ancient Greeks and how their civilisation has impacted upon modern society. The first lesson involved ordering periods of ancient Greek civilization chronologically – a key skill needed by historians!

Pupils investigated how different mixtures of materials can be separated in Science. Pupils had to decide which method of separating – sieving, filtering or using magnets – would be the best approach to use for three different mixtures.

In English, we have started our new book. To link with our History topic, we will be using ‘The Odyssey’ as the basis of our writing this half term.

We have now completed our first unit on multiplication and division in Maths. Next week we will start one of my favourite maths topics – fractions! Times tables feature heavily in this so please ensure your child completes their weekly homework on Times Tables Rock Stars.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary into school each day.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat and Mrs Jones

Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a good rest and enjoyed the Christmas break.

During our first week of the term, Year 5 have revised the used of apostrophes for contraction and possession in English. This can be a tricky piece of punctuation to use, so we will keep revising this throughout Year 5.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our first unit on multiplication and division. The focus has been multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000. As always, we have continued to work on times tables recall and the usual homework has been set on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Pupils learned about solubility in Science and investigated which materials were soluble and which were insoluble.

In Geography, to round off our topic on Mountains, pupils took part in a ‘virtual’ trek of Mount Everest Base Camp and gained an insight into what it might be like to be on the world’s tallest mountain.

PE continues to be on Fridays and swimming continues each Tuesday. Please ensure your child completes their weekly reading activities and brings their reading diary into school each day.

Many thanks,

Mrs Moat and Mrs Jones

Friday 22nd November

This week, pupils have been getting into the Christmas spirit after watching the pantomime Snow White on Thursday morning! The children absolutely loved it and thought it was very funny and entertaining.

On Monday, they worked in groups to conduct a science experiment to investigate the properties of a range of materials. Using torches, magnets and a drawing pin they determined if objects were magnetic, transparent and/or durable. Our Geography lesson this week looked at how mountains are formed and the different types of mountains there are.

Mrs Daly has been blown away by their debating skills in our Philosophy Friday session this week, where pupils discussed the question ‘Should zoos be banned?’. They demonstrated some very mature opinions about the subject and were very engrossed in the debate!

We have continued with addition and subtraction strategies in Maths and will shortly be moving on to Multiplication and Division. Next week, we will finish our current class book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ and find out what the which has done with the stolen bag. As always, please ensure your child completes their online homework to support spellings and maths.

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 15th November 2024

We have had yet another busy week of learning in Year 5!

In English, we have looked at how to write and punctuate dialogue and how to mix dialogue with action to move the narrative on. Pupils then used their learning to write a conversation between the two main characters in our book The Lost Happy Endings. They have learnt some new vocabulary – ask them what obnoxious and loathsome mean – and used this in their writing to describe the witch in the book. Many children have now also received their ‘pen license’ and many more are very, very close to achieving theirs

Pupils have done some assessments in Maths, as well as working on their arithmetic and times tables skills. Please remind your child to complete their 30 minutes of weekly homework set on Times Tables Rock Stars – it is vital that they can quickly and accurately recall times tables facts as it features in so many aspects of Maths in Year 5 and beyond.

We started out new Geography topic of Mountains and pupils used atlas skills to locate the world’s Seven Summits and label them on a map. In RE, we considered how we know the difference between right and wrong and the support we have in our lives to help us make the right choices.

Pupils looked very smart in their own clothes for Children in Need! Thank you for your donations and support.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Moat.

Friday 11th October 2024

I cannot begin this week’s blog without mentioning our class values assembly! I am sure you will agree they all did a fantastic job and that you as just as proud of them as we are! They were all so excited to perform it and it was lovely that all children overcame their nerves to speak individual lines. Thank you all for your support and for coming to watch their hard work.

In class, we have mainly focused on rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1,000 this week in maths to ensure pupils have a solid understanding of this before moving on to rounding numbers to one million. As always, please continue to support your child in practicing times tables as part of their homework.

In English, we have read more of ‘Queen of the Falls’, reaching the part where she is in the barrel, just about to drop over the waterfall. Pupils will find out next week if she survives her daredevil feat! Our writing has looked at using fronted adverbials to show time, manner or place. We have also been looking at new vocabulary – ask your child what ‘discombobulated’ means!

Pupils carried out their Science experiment this week which investigated how air resistance is affected by the size of a parachute. Pupils continue to enjoy the Crime and Punishment topic, learning about the ‘Bloody Code’ which saw the number of crimes punishable by hanging increase from 50 to 200!

Next week is our last week before half term, when pupils can enjoy a well-earned rest! Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Moat


Friday 4th October 2024

We have come to the end of yet another busy week in Year 5!

Pupils have been busy practicing for our class value assembly next week (Wednesday 9th October) and are really excited for you all to see it.

In Maths, pupils have shown an excellent understanding of ordering and comparing numbers to 1,000,000. Please ensure pupils continue to practise their times tables at home – they are essential to so many of our maths topics in Year 5 and beyond.

We have focused on the main character in ‘Queen of the Falls’ – Annie Edson Taylor – and written a character description of her. Pupils needed to use coordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and a range of interesting vocabulary to their work to demonstrate their understanding of recent learning.

Continuing with the topic of Forces in Science, pupils learned about air resistance and planned an experiment to see which parachute would be most effective and why. This will be carried out next week. In History, we found out about crimes such as smuggling, vagrancy and being a highwayman. Pupils investigated reasons for and against becoming a highwayman and what the possible punishments were.

Don’t forget – maths and spelling homework has been set on edshed.com. Please also ensure pupils have their reading books and reading journals in every day.

Mrs Moat


Friday 27th September 2024

This week, election fever has taken over in Year 5 and pupils have been busy campaigning to be the class representative for their chosen council. Well done to all our successful candidates – I am sure you will do an excellent job!

In Maths, the focus continues to be Place Value. We have looked at standard and non-standard partitioning of numbers up to 1,000,000 as well as placing numbers on a number line. Please ensure pupils continue to practise their times tables at home.

Our reading sessions have looked at ‘Bizarre Laws’ linked to the History topic of Crime and Punishment. Did you know that mince pies were once banned at Christmas and it was against the law to play football? In writing, we have worked on creating expanded noun phrases to add more interest and detail to our work.

Pupils used force meters in Science to investigate the force of gravity on different objects and to see if there is a link between its weight and mass. In History, we looked at the story of Robin Hood to see what it tells us about how the rich and poor were treated very differently when it came to crime and punishment in the medieval era.

Next week, we will be starting work on our class values assembly which is on Wednesday 9th October. Further details will be sent out shortly.

Mrs Moat


Friday 20th September 2024


Here we are at the end of Week 3 in Year 5! It has been another busy one and pupils are really getting used to the routines and pace of upper Key Stage 2!

Our focus in English this week has been using coordinating conjunctions to extend sentences, linking them to our book ‘Queen of the Falls’. We have used the acronym FANBOYS to help remember the most common ones – ask your child what they stand for to see if they can remember them! We have practiced our text marking and annotating skills in reading sessions, looking at information texts about ocean creatures.

Place value continues to be the topic in Maths, again looking at numbers to 1,000,000. We have used Gattengo charts to help us calculate numbers 10/100/1,000 times greater/smaller than given numbers. As always, we have practised times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars. Please encourage your child to use this at home as accurate times tables recall is vital in Year 5 and beyond.

In Science, we have identified different forces acting on objects. Pupils are really enjoying the Crime and Punishment topic in History and are learning that some punishments were very harsh in the past!

Don’t forget that pupils need to read at least three times a week and bring their books and reading diaries into school every day. Spellings will be given out every Monday, starting next week (23/09). We will work on them throughout the week and pupils will be tested the following Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Moat


Friday 13th September 2024


We have had another very busy week in Year 5!

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed their first swimming lesson on Tuesday. Although there were a few initial nerves, these soon disappeared and pupils worked very hard and impressed the teachers.

During Maths lessons, pupils have worked on reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000 as well as practicing times table facts.

We have started reading our English book, ‘Queen of the Falls’ and made predictions about why Annie Edson Taylor was nicknamed ‘Heroine of Niagara Falls’. We looked at pictures and video clips of Niagara Falls, imagined we were there, and wrote letters home describing how amazing it is.

We started our History topic – Crime and Punishment – and investigated what pictures from medieval times can tell us about crime and punishment during that era.

Don’t forget that pupils need to read at least three times a week and bring their books and reading diaries into school every day. Spellings will be set in the next week or so and I will confirm via Class Dojo when the weekly spelling test will be.

Mrs Moat

Friday 6th September 2024

Year 5 have made an excellent start to the new school year, showing a very mature attitude and fantastic behaviour! They have set an excellent example to the younger pupils and our new Play Leaders are doing an excellent job at lunch times looking after them and building new friendships.

In Maths this week, we have revised our understanding of Roman Numerals to 100 ready to look at how to represent numbers to 1000 next week. The pupils have really enjoyed this topic and are definitely ready to look at representing larger numbers next week.

In English, we have focused on reading skills, handwriting and spelling. Myself and Mrs Jones have been very impressed with their presentation and pupils will soon be earning their handwriting pens! We have read about ancient sea creatures and revised the skill of text marking and annotating to help answer questions about the text.

Elsewhere in the curriculum, pupils have looked at what it means to be aspirational and considered their own aspirations for Year 5 and beyond. We have looked at online safety in Computing and revised phonics in Spanish.

Next Tuesday swimming will start – something which pupils are very excited about! Pupils need to come into school in their PE kits and remember their swimming kits!

Don’t forget that pupils need to read at least three times a week and bring their books and reading diaries into school every day. Spellings will be set in the next week or so and I will confirm via Class Dojo when the weekly spelling test will be.

If you have any questions please do contact us via Dojo or speak to us at the classroom door at drop off/collection times.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Moat

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

