Lowton Junior & Infant School

The Year 2 class value is Be Kind

Friday 28th February 2025

It was great to have everyone back and well rested after the half term break!
In maths this week we have started learning more about multiplication and division. We have been focusing on identifying equal/unequal groups, making equal groups and repeated addition. 
In English we have been applying the grammar learnt last half term to some cross curricular writing. We have been writing a diary entry in role as Neil Armstrong after his historic footsteps on the moon. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's finished pieces next week. 
In science we are still focusing on 'living things and their habitats'. We have been learning more about world habitats and suitability . . . Why would a polar bear not be able to survive in a desert habitat? What makes the jungle a suitable habitat for a jaguar?
In history we have been thinking about the ways in which we can 'commemorate' significant events such as the moon landing. Over the next few weeks we will begin to look at some of the other significant individuals involved in the Apollo 11 mission and we will be asking "Who should be remembered as the most significant person involved in the moon landing?"
There was lots of excitement this week as we waited for our incubated eggs to hatch! By Thursday morning we had 10 chicks! On Friday we were able to handle the chicks, we will post some photos to ClassDojo. 
In our enrichment time, we have started to look in more detail at Spain. Over the coming weeks we will continue to research and build up our knowledge of the country in order to develop our global and cultural identity. 


World Book Day – Thursday 6th March. Children can come to school in uniform, pyjamas or dressed as their favourite book character. Children may also bring in a favourite book to share in class. Any paper plates for our competition need to be handed in by this date. 


Non-uniform day – Friday 7th March. Chocolate donations greatly appreciated. 


Have a great weekend,

Miss Crosbie & Mrs Mills

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

