Lowton Junior & Infant School

Home School Agreement


Lowton J and I School has a home school agreement, which you will be asked to sign.  It sets out the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibilities of the pupil’s parents and what the school expects of its pupils.


The aim is to strengthen the partnership between home and school and makes clear the respective roles and expectations.


 The school will make every effort to:


1.        Ensure the safety, security and physical well being of your child whilst in our care.

2.        Ensure your child receives the legal entitlement of a broad and balanced curriculum.

3.        Ensure your child achieves their potential.

4.        Promote high standards and high expectations of effort and attainment.

5.        Promote a policy of assertive discipline in which good behaviour is rewarded and poor  

           behaviour results in clear, consistent sanctions.

6.        Provide properly planned, weekly homework opportunities which are realistic, achievable 
     and related to work in school.

7.        Provide opportunities for extra-curricular activities.

8.        Provide a written report informing you of your child’s progress at least once per year and

           provide opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress with his/her class teacher at

           least twice per year.

9.        Deal with parental concerns promptly and inform you of how they have been resolved.

10.     Keep parents well informed about school life and special events through regular newsletters

          and correspondence.


Parents/Guardians will make every effort to:

1.      Support the aims of the school.


2.      Ensure their child attends regularly and on time.


3.      Ensure their child wears the school uniform and follows the school dress code.


4.      Encourage their child to follow the school’s Code of Conduct. 


5.      Support the school’s behaviour policy and co-operate fully with any behaviour procedures 

         should they become necessary (i.e. target setting, reviews etc.)


6.      Attend any parent consultations, reviews, assemblies or events which involve their child.


7.      Ensure their child completes any homework and returns it on time.


8.      Read at least 3 times a week with their children.


9.      Keep the school informed of any changes in circumstances (i.e. address, phone number,

         emergency contacts etc.)


10.    Inform the school of any problems that may affect their child’s learning or behaviour.



Children will make every effort to:


1.        Follow the school’s Code of Conduct.


2.        Follow instructions.


3.        Be polite and well mannered.


4.        Let an adult know if there is a problem.


5.       Complete and return homework, including reading to an adult at least 3 times a week.


6.        Be prepared for learning 
      (arrive on time, with the right equipment i.e. PE Kit etc.)


7.        Contribute to lessons and listen when being spoken to.


8.        Stay on task.


9.        Avoid disturbing others.


10.     ‘Own up’ if things go wrong.

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

