Lowton Junior & Infant School

The Reception class value is to Have Fun

Friday 21st March

This week in Reception the children have been investigating and tasting lots of different fruits to see if they contain pips! We read the story of Pip and Egg and talked about the changes that happened to them in the story. We have still been thinking about lifecycles and how the human lifecycle begins.  

In maths, we have been playing simple track games and using objects to jump onto the number lines. We have also been ordering numbers 1-10 and talking about the compositions of these numbers.  

We have been using the play dough to create flowers and practising using rolling pins and play dough cutters, we then decorated these flowers using beads and sequins. This activity was great for the children to practise their fine motor skills! 

Mother's Day activities will take place in the hall on Friday 28th March 2.15- 3.15pm and all mummies/ carers are invited to spend this time with their child.   


  • PE days are still on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child is wearing a full PE kit on these days. This includes no logos on any kit.  
  • Please ensure your child brings in their red book bag and reading book into school every day. This will allow us to check children's reading diaries and read with your child.  
  • Home challenges will be handed out every Friday, so please ensure that the home challenge green books are back in class before Thursday.  
  • Morning snack is either fruit, cheese, soreen loaf, plain or fruit yoghurts (non-chocolate)  


Miss Outram and the Reception team

Friday 28th February 2025


This week we have had some new arrivals.... Chicks! The children loved watching them hatch from their eggs and then grow into yellow, fluffy chicks. We have completed lots of activities linked to the chicks such as drawing, writing and colouring. We talked about life cycles and how animals and humans grow and change.  

 The children learned about the different seasons, and we have started to think about Spring. We went outside to look for signs of spring and we found a couple of things such as bugs and flowers starting to grow. We will continue to look for more signs of Spring in our local environment.  

In maths, we have been practising our subitising skills and looking at doubles and odd/ even numbers. We used the Numicon shapes to make doubling butterflies.  

In phonics we have been learning the sounds: or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er. And the tricky words: The, go, I, know, he, we, she, to, you, was, be, my, all,  


  • PE days are still on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child is wearing a full PE kit on these days. This includes no logos on any kit.   
  • 100 Reads! Once your child has read over 100 times at home, they will be able to choose a book from our special book library.  
  • All parents have been sent home a “Parent Overview” this will give you an idea of the topic “Spring into Life” that we will be covering this term.  
  • We will no longer be offering snack in a morning so please ensure that your child brings a healthy snack each day such as fruit, Soreen, cheese or yoghurt.  
  • Please can we ask for any donations such as gardening equipment, seeds and soil. This will be greatly appreciated!  


Miss Outram and the Reception team

Friday 6th September

Hello and welcome to Reception! I am Miss Outram your child’s class teacher along with Mrs Goulding and Mrs O’Brien who are the classroom teaching assistants. We are really excited for the upcoming year and working with your children to help them to learn and grow!


Here is some key information and dates for the upcoming term:

· PE sessions are on a Monday and Friday so please ensure that your child is wearing their full PE kits on these days.

· Snack is given daily and we have a selection of fruit on offer. This is £5 every half term.

· Please bring in a spare backpack of clothing to be kept in school on your child’s peg.

· Home challenges are given out every Friday and we ask that you complete these with your child to help with their learning. Reading books are changed once a week and we would like the children to read at home at least 4 times a week to help them practise their newly taught sounds.

· Our Phonics workshop will take place on Wednesday 11TH September at 9am and 5pm. This will give you lots of information on how you can support your child when reading a home.

· Please bring in photographs of your child with their family so that we can share them in class and use them on our display.


This week we have spent lots of time getting to know the children and learning about our classroom rules and routines. All of the children have been fantastic and had so much fun with their new friends! Our current topic is “Who Am I” and we have been talking about our families and how special they are. They have also met the Numberblocks 1,2 and 3!

Look out on our next class blog and Dojo to see what we get up to next week!


Miss Outram

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

